Your personal AI 🤖 SEO assistant to help you analyze Google Console Data Faster 🚀. Much Faster ⚡ !!

Analyze, visualize, and act on key insights to boost your website’s performance. Our AI chat helps you analize your data in seconds and not hours! Transform raw data into actionable results today!

Built with the latest LLMs from Open AI and Google Gemini 2.0!

7-Day Trial | No Credit Card Required | Cancel Anytime

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Just sign in with Google and start chatting with Hey Console

Ask Hey Console to enable the sites in your Google Search Console account and start chatting with Hey Console. Hey Console will help you analize your data in seconds! Yes it's that simple!

Chat Examples

  • Enable my website
  • Show me my enabled websites.
  • Can you acitivate my site so that I can analize the data?
  • How is my website doing in the last 30 days?
  • Can you show me the top 10 pages on
  • What are the top 10 queries on
Product features illustration

Let's dig a little deeper and make your data work for you!

Hey Console can do much more. See some of our comparision features that takes your at least 30 minutes, done in 5 seconds.

Chat Examples

  • Compare my website impressions this month vs last month.
  • How does the CTR look this quarter vs the last.
  • Give me a comparison table of which pages performed better this week vs last week.
  • How does the average position of my website look this month vs last month?
  • Which keywords are performing better in the last 20 days?
  • Show the impressions vs clicks for JAN FEB and MAR 2024
Product features illustration

We are not done yet! Hey Console can do some serious heavy lifting for you!

These reports take atleast an hour to prepare. Hey Console can do it in less than 10 seconds.

Chat Examples

  • Show me the best performing keywords for USA last week.
  • How does this compare to the week before?
  • Which pages are popular in Canada this month on mobile?
  • Which pages lost impressions in the last 30 days and the month before in France?
  • Can you investigate my imressions vs clicks this month and give me a summary?
  • This week vs last which queries are performing better in the UK?
Picture of the author

How CTR is Measured in Google Search Console

How is CTR measured in Google Search Console.

Picture of the author

Difference Between Google Console and Google Analytics

Know more about the key differences between Google Console and Google Analytics.

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What do the impressions mean in Google Search Console

Know more about what the impressions mean in Google Search Console.